Clean Focus Completes 11.92 MW Community Solar Projects in Colorado
Press Release | Sunnyvale, CA
February 7, 2018
Six projects allow subscribers to purchase renewable energy
Clean Focus Renewables, Inc. ("Clean Focus") completed six community solar gardens in Colorado. The projects will distribute clean, renewable energy to a wide range of Colorado subscribers.
Greenskies Renewable Energy LLC ("Greenskies") will maintain the solar arrays, and Clean Focus Yield Limited will operate the system as part of its large portfolio of commercial, industrial, small utility, and community solar projects.
"It is exciting to see the expansion of solar gardens in Colorado. Solar gardens give solar access to more people and businesses, create jobs, and reduce carbon pollution. This is a big win for Colorado," stated Representative Faith Winter, Westminster, Colorado, a proponent of community solar gardens in Colorado.
The ground-mount projects reside on open land in Watkins, Aurora, Platteville, Sterling, and La Jara, Colorado. These community solar gardens provide renewable energy to homes and businesses unsuitable for installing their own solar systems. Instead subscribers purchase a portion of the power produced from the community solar gardens. This structure allows everyone to participate in sustainability efforts.
"South Suburban Parks and Recreation is proud to be part of the new solar community garden," stated Brett Collins, Director of Planning and Development, South Suburban Parks and Recreation." "By being a subscriber to the community garden, we are able to know what our energy costs will be, anticipate saving on energy costs, are using renewable energy and are doing our part to be a more sustainable organization per our Strategic and Master Plans." South Suburban Parks and Recreation is a large special district serving more than 155,000 residents in six municipalities located south of Denver, Colorado.
The six Colorado community solar gardens are expected to produce 23,829,000 kWh of clean energy annually, which could power 2,213 homes. The six projects offset the environmental impact of 1,995,493 gallons of gasoline or nearly 3,797 cars each year.
"We are excited to energize one of the largest solar gardens in Colorado. They democratize solar by allowing customers who might not have been candidates for solar to adopt renewable energy and save money," stated Stanley Chin, President and CEO of Greenskies and Clean Focus Group. "These projects complement our large portfolio of commercial, small utility, and community solar projects. We look forward to a long relationship with the subscribers over the lifetime of the projects."